Students Excel at Jones Hill
With high expectations and a strong dedication to students achieving their full potential, Jones Hill State School provides a well-balanced education for all students. Jones Hill School offers a wide range of valuable experiences ensuring a mix of academic avenues, cultural experiences and sporting endeavours. With a strong focus on the explicit teaching of reading and writing skills, Jones Hill students have demonstrated strong academic achievements.
Set up around our four core values of Safety, Relationships, Respect and Learning, Jones Hill School prides itself on the outstanding level of behaviour demonstrated by students. All classrooms cater to the diverse needs of students with interactive technology, computers and iPads.
Highly qualified teacher aides support our learning programs, helping students to achieve their full potential. Diversity of cultural experience is also a key to student success with an extensive music program and outdoor education program. Regularly workshops are provided for parents to support the school's literacy and numeracy programs.
The school has an eco-garden with vegetables, flowers, plants, orchards and chickens. Healthy food and nutrition is a high priority linked to our tuckshop and work in the substantial gardens. The Prep area has its very own sensory garden. Both of these are excellent learning environments for young students.
The Parents and Citizens Association is actively involved in the school through working bees, tuckshop, sports day and fundraising activities. Koala Kids Outside School Hours Care is facilitatedby our P & C and runs on the school grounds before and after school each day and every day during vacations.
The school welcomes and encourages parent involvement as the P&C has contributed enormously to the school. Come and experience the inviting and friendly atmosphere of the Jones Hill State School.
You can arrange a visit or tour by contacting the school via; Phone – 54890555 or Email – , or you can visit our Facebook Page - or website at .