The scheme operates under the policy and guidelines of the Department of Education and Training (DET) and is approved annually by the P&C Association. The P&C Association, in partnership with the school, has endorsed the continuation of the Student Resource Scheme in 2020. The Student Resource Scheme is discussed at the September meeting of the school’s P&C Association. Parents/Guardians are invited to attend this meeting and express their opinions. A vote is taken annually at this meeting on the contribution of the scheme.
Participation in the scheme is optional.
In accordance with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, the cost of providing instruction, administration and facilities for the education of a student at a state school is met by the state. Parents/caregiver are directly responsible for providing textbooks and other personal resources for their children while attending school. In recognition that these costs can be high, our School operates a Student Resource Scheme (SRS) that enables a parent/caregiver to enter into an agreement with the School that, for a specified annual participation fee, provides for the temporary use by the student, prescribed textbooks and/or other resources, and/or the purchase of many consumables and materials for the student, including the annual stationery list. Participation fees are directly applied to fund the service delivered by the scheme.
The Scheme does not provide any funds for the Parents’ and Citizens’ Association, is entirely voluntary and parents/guardians are under no obligation to join.
The SRS operates under the policies and guidelines of the Department of Education and Training. A parent who does not wish to join the scheme is responsible for providing the student with the items that would otherwise have been provided to the student by the scheme as detailed on the Year Level Requirements List to enable the student to engage with the curriculum.
Parents wishing to take advantage of the services provided by the Student Resource Scheme, sign the relevant form agreeing to the conditions therein and pay the annual participation fee. The Student Resource scheme provides the entire package for the specified participation fee and is not available in part.
Yes, I wish to join the SRS
Parents/caregiver are asked to complete the Student Resource Scheme Participation Agreement form ticking the “Yes, I wish to participate in the Student Resource Scheme”. All relevant information should be filled in and signed form returned to the school administration office.
The SRS Terms and Conditions for Participation in the Scheme are listed in this document and on the back of the SRS Participation Agreement Form. Please read these conditions before you sign.
The cost of the 2022 SRS is $120 which equates to .60cents per day. The SRS represents excellent value and provides substantial savings to parents/caregivers of students in all year levels.
The participation fee of $120 should be finalised before the first day of school in 2022 unless you are participating in an approved payment instalment plan.
Payment options:
BPOINT is now available via:\payments\dete. BPOINT is a secure online payment system. A customer Reference number and Invoice number are required for BPOINT. This information is located on the school invoice, statements and can also be obtained through QParents.
Cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card are accepted at the Administration Office Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 3:30pm.
Direct payment of fees, via the Internet may also be established. Parents/guardians are asked to contact Administration on 07 5489 0555
Centrepay is a free direct bill paying service available to parents/guardians who receive Centrelink payments, such as Family and Newstart. Centrepay can make direct payments to Jones Hill State School to pay for school fees. Should you wish to take advantage of this service, please contact our Business Manager on 07 5489 0555 or by emailing
A student, whose parent has joined the Student Resource Scheme but not paid the participation fee, will continue to be provided with instruction, administration and facilities for their education, however the student will not be considered to participate in optional school activities, camps, excursions, sporting activities etc.
Before a student can be considered for participation in an optional school activity, a parent is expected to have:
fully paid all outstanding fees or
paid the Student Resource Scheme and other outstanding fees up to and including the term in which the school activity takes place or
made regular on-going payments towards these fees, as previously arranged with the Principal or Business Manager
Financial difficulties:
Anyone experiencing financial difficulties may take advantage of paying the SRS fee by instalments as detailed on the SRS Participation Agreement Form. An appointment can be made to see the Business Manager to discuss any further alternative arrangements if necessary by phoning 54890555 or
No, I do not wish to join the SRS
Parents/caregivers are asked to complete the Student Resource Scheme Participation Agreement form ticking the; “No, I do not wish to participate in the Student Resource Scheme” and return the signed form to the school administration office.
A parent/caregiver who does not wish to join the scheme
will then be required to pay the non-participation fee and will be responsible for providing the student with the items that would otherwise have been provided to the student by the scheme as detailed on the Year Level Requirements List to enable the student to engage with the curriculum.
The Student Resource Scheme does not include:
voluntary financial contributions to supplement the instruction, administration and facilities for the education of the student at school
resources funded by the state through grant funding to provide a core educational service
optional school activities such as excursions, camps, performances and sporting activities.
year 6 shirts, year 6 graduation
school photographs
instrumental music program
The School will make a pro rata refund to the parent of a student who, having paid the scheme fee, completes a
Request for Refund (PDF, 116KB) and leaves the School through the year. The pro rata refund is calculated on the fees paid, less the cost of consumed materials and the replacement cost of scheme items that are lost, negligently damaged or not returned. Before leaving the school, parents/caregivers are required to complete and sign an exit pass (which will contain information on damaged or non-returned resources) and a refund form, which are available from the school office. Bank details will be requested on this form. Once the pro-rata payment has been calculated, an EFT payment will be processed to the nominated bank account. Refunds will only be completed by request.
Related Policy
Student Resource Scheme:
2023 Student Resource Scheme Frequently Asked Questions
Doesn’t the Government provide free education?
The Government meets the cost of providing instruction, administration and facilities in accordance with Section 50 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, which states:
“Instruction to be free: In State Schools, the cost of providing instruction, administration and facilities for the Education of the person at the school must be met by the State.”
A parent/guardian is directly responsible for providing textbooks and other personal resources for their children while attending school.
Why does Jones Hill State School operate a Student Resource Scheme?
The objective of the scheme is to offer parents an economic alternative to the purchase of school resources and textbooks and to enhance and maximise resources available for student learning, recreation and comfort.
What does my child receive?
Full stationery book list applicable to the year level the student is in.
Classroom learning activities resources (art, craft, cooking etc).
Resource materials and equipment used in various subject areas i.e. Music, LOTE and HPE
The use/loan of texts that form part of class sets (dictionaries, atlases, novels etc).
Textbooks (including photocopied textbooks used in lieu of traditional textbooks) and all licences for Computer Programs (this includes Apps for iPads).
Individual class learning experiences are also included.
Photocopying class projects.
Non-consumable resources are provided on loan. These items are for example; class sets of dictionaries, atlases, novels, home readers, library books etc. Students are expected to take due care of all items and to return them, in a condition similar to that in which they were issued, on completion of a unit of study or upon leaving the school.
What do I have to provide?
The scheme does not cover students’ uniforms, school bags, lunch boxes or drink bottles, protective clothing (ie paint shirt) or library bags.
Am I able to join the scheme if I have overdue payments from the previous year?
All families of the school are able to be members of the scheme provided that no amounts are outstanding from the previous year. The school operates the Student Resource Scheme to benefit all eligible students. It is not viable for the school to provide this service if fees are outstanding. It is for this reason that students may be refused entry into the scheme if fees are outstanding from the previous year/s.
Am I able to join the scheme and only pay for selected items?
No, for the scheme to be cost effective and viable all parents who wish to join the scheme must pay the full amount.
What happens if my student leaves during the course of the school year?
If your student leaves school all loaned textbooks (ie reading books, atlases, novels, library books etc) must be returned. Refunds will be based on the full Student Resource Scheme charge less the cost of consumed materials and/or the cost of replacing lost or damaged books. Parents are required to complete and sign an exit pass and refund form, which are available from the school office. Bank details will be requested on this form. Once the pro-rata payment has been calculated, an EFT payment will be processed to the nominated bank account. Refunds will only be completed by request.
What happens if I am enrolling my student later in the year?
If students enrol at the school after first term, the fee will be calculated on the stationery booklist and 40 week pro rata of fees. Students enrolling at Jones Hill School through the year should be able to obtain refunds owed from the previous school attended.
What happens if I am experiencing financial difficulties?
Families who expect to experience financial difficulties in making payments connected with this scheme are invited to telephone the school on 5489 0555 and speak to the Business Manager so that an appropriate response to the difficulty can be addressed. You are also welcome to email to to ask for an appointment.
What happens if I agree to participate in the scheme and do not pay any of the amounts owing?
While it is voluntary to join the Student Resource Scheme, by signing the Participation Agreement Form parents/caregivers have entered into an agreement to pay the charges in exchange for the use of textbooks and resources. There is therefore an obligation on participating parents/caregivers to make these payments or provide their own textbooks and resources. Participation in the Student Resource Scheme may be terminated and hired textbooks, resources or other goods may be retrieved where:
The parent/caregiver has not attempted to make payment.
No satisfactory arrangements for payment have been made.
The parent/caregiver is then responsible for providing all necessary textbooks and resources.
Students with outstanding fees may also be denied the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular school activities. These activities include:
Year 5/6 Biannual Trip
Sport/Gala Days
Camps, excursions and enrichment activities
Non-compulsory activities:
Dances and other social activities
Year 6 Graduation
End of year excursions
Rewards Day excursions
What happens if a book or resource is lost or damaged?
Parents are responsible for the replacement cost of materials or texts belonging to the scheme/school which are damaged or lost by their son/daughter. This replacement cost will attract GST (a Commonwealth Government Tax).
What do I need to do now?
After reading the enclosed information and if you decide to participate in the scheme, please complete the Participation Agreement Form which is included in the enrolment handbook.
How do I make a payment?
BPOINT is now available via:\payments\dete. BPOINT is a secure online payment system. A customer Reference number and Invoice number are required for BPOINT. This information is located on the school invoice, statements and can also be obtained through QParents.
Cash, cheque, EFTPOS or credit card are accepted at the Student Administration Office Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 3:30pm.
Direct payment of fees, via the Internet may also be established. Parents/guardians are asked to contact Administration on 07 5489 0555.
Centrepay is a free direct bill paying service available to parents/guardians who receive Centrelink payments, such as Family, Newstart and Abstudy. Centrepay can make direct payments to Jones Hill State School to pay for school fees. Should you wish to take advantage of this service, please contact our Business Manager on 54890555 or by emailing
Receipts will be issued after payments are received. Please keep receipts for your records.
What happens if I do not wish to participate in this scheme?
Parents/caregivers who do not wish to participate in this scheme must complete the Participation Agreement Form by checking the “No, I do not wish to participate” box and signing the form which is included in the enrolment package. Parents who choose not to participate will then be required to pay the non-participation fee and provide all textbooks, materials and consumables required.